Sunday, March 5, 2017

House of M (2005) Issue 2

Scott and Emma are together hearing about Mary Jane on the radio.

Wonder Man is on talk shows.

Miss Marvel stops a crime done by Gambit.

Kitty is teaching about mutants.

Luke Cage. Dr. Strange

McCoy talks about Stark.

Storm exists.

Logan and Mystique dressed up as Jean Grey.

Logan and the House of Magnus are the final note as Logan is flying in the sky.

Overall, it's a good follow up to the previous issue. The two issues are so different from each other in a New Hope-Empire Strikes Back fashion. It sorta has a Batman: Animated Series dream world, It's a Wonderful Life fashion. It adds a bit of a curiosity as to what's going on which is the intent of the issue.

I felt like they could've done something more Alan Moore/Frank Miller-ish with the Mystique cosplaying thing.

Disney's Star Wars: Lando Issue 1 review

Really good.
Lando is a sexy scoundrel. Has sex with a woman, talks out of his way of getting assassinated by her.

He discusses with his number 1 on plotting to defeat the Emperor and whether they'd succeed.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Batman/TMNT 2016 review

Issue 1 Batman encounters the Turtles
Issue 2 Shredder
Issue 3 Penguin
Issue 4 Casey Jones, Joker
Issue 5 Damien Wayne, more Joker
Issue 6 Ra's al Ghul and mutant Bat Rogues such as Polar Bear Freeze and animal Joker.