Friday, May 27, 2016

The Pros and Cons of the Summers in X-Men Apocalypse (third viewing)

They're introduced.
They don't ruin the story.
They don't take too much time up in the story for its main characters: Xavier, Magneto and Mystique.
Scott and Jean like each other. Simple. Let's not get into it.
Alex dies. Scott reacts.
Scott vs Storm leaders homage to comics.
Jean defeats Apocalypse, setting up the next film, adding some curiosity to her character.

The character usage is way worse than any Avengers film other than the first one and I'm including the overrated Civil War film.
Jean defeating Apocalypse makes no sense since she's barely introduced, barely in the franchise, barely has her powers.
Jean fighting Psylocke would've added a bit since they're both psychics.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

The Batman Season 1 Episode 1 opening scene directing critcisim

It starts off with a shot of a building looking like that done by the Godzilla/Men In Black cartoon creators.

The original Paul Dini Batman was great, cuz everything was dark and you couldn't see stuff clearly.
The roll over to the shot of Batman's shadow, showing where is plainly, and even drawing your attention to it with the camera movement, a camera movement in a digital animated work mind you.

Then they pan through from statues, before shooting a batarang, with the camera going back to the batarang, without the batarang surprising or even giving a scare.

It sorta reminds me of going for 90s Spider-Man to Spectacular in terms of storytelling.
It may even be a 1920s pulp direction.

Random ass criminals jump in the air like superheroes.

Cartoony sound effects, but made darker than like 60s Batman.
This may also have a TMNT 00s feeling too.

The voice acting is really good though.
I like the shot of Batman fighting in the darkness with occassional light showing up. Good way to cheapen the budget too, without making it obvious. Made it look cooler even.

Again, I didn't see it as something that could've been played off as Star Wars, although this was inspired by pulps obviously.

The criminal makes a joke to splitting the take with Batman. Why should we care that this criminal is given a take? Despite being a main character in the Batman comics, there is no development for his character in this opening minute of this episode.

Kung fu sequence is cut short, instead giving us this water tower in a muddy green screen sky.

Also note, if you don't notice this stuff, it's fine. But if you hate this show, you'll love what I'm saying.

You see Batman's foot when he shows up.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Captain America: Civil War review

Iron Man does a presentation.

Thunderbolt Ross discusses with the Avengers.

Peggy Carter has passed on.

An African leader is assassinated.

People claim Bucky is behind this.

Capt saves Bucky. I wonder if it's developed. I wonder if Slovoka is described properly.

Scarlet Witch and Vision discuss their roles as villains.

Black Panther is done well.

But Spider-Man is bleh. He comes in way too late in the movie. Makes fun of

Ant Man has no purpose other than a cameo. They could've used his whole criminal background.
He's brought in too late too.
At least he sides with Capt.

Hawkeye brainwashed.

Black Witch vs Hawkeye

Scarlet Witch starts as an emo US teen.
Then Scarlet Witch dresses up anyway.
Scarlet Witch vs Vision? Tony Stark I guess.

I sorta prefer even really bad 2000s Marvel Bucky over the stuff they do with him post-First Avenger.
They turned him way too quick without ever giving any hints as to Capt believing that Bucky was anything other than a cool guy who stood up for him. I never really saw an acting moment where the two connected and instead sorta just saw Bucky as a supporting character.

Overall, still way better than Batman v Superman, although the cameos in that film were way exaagerated compared to the absolute failures in this film.