Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #9 Boom review

Rita looked like she had the power of the Dinozords to wreck the city, but maybe I lost an issue. I think it was actually her control of the Black Dragon that had her vs the rest of the Rangers. It's one of those Evangelion-ish monsters, that the BOOM Comics writers promised and I am satisfied with.

Billy converses with Goldar on where Goldar wants to have his powers. The development of both characters here is quite enjoyable.

They use a device from the Dragonzord to give the Rangers back their powers. They form the Green Power Rangers, Green clad Rangers with powers of the Green Power Coin but with their original dinozords. The Rangers morph in one brief scene. The fight isn't shown regretably, but what have you?

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Green Lantern (2011) review 5 years later

The Dark Knight Rises and Avengers came out the next year.

They say he's Hal Jordan, but he is and isn't.
He's not really a convincing military man but is a good generic Hanna Barbera hero.

He's not even a convincing Ryan Reynolds. I don't know if he was miscast, but he didn't play a role he's well known for.

Why does Sinestro become Yellow Lantern in the end?

The visual effects. The shadowing and heads don't fit too well.

It's better than Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer plot wise.
It doesn't seem horrible in a camp, Batman and Robin way. It just seems to have some problems in creating the Green Lantern worlds where they can reimpose.

The concept art looks phenomenal.

The voice acting is top notch.