Wednesday, June 14, 2017

The flaws of the Wonder Woman character and thus film 2017

The 1978 Superman film was a groundbreaking film in not only superhero cinema, but cinema itself. Its effects, its story, its darkness, its costume design, its casting, I can go on and on.

Batman Begins took homage from it. Superman Returns was somewhat a sequel to it.
Patty Jenkins mentioned on Entertainment Weekly XM Radio before it was released that she would take influence from Superman 78. And its influence was recognized and for the better.

Like Clark Kent in 1978, Diana rejects her call to leave her home town/island/country, etc.. to pursue a fight that can save 20 million lives outside of her home.
The film uses Greek mythology to discuss a story like that of the King James bible. Zeus is the Western Christian god with a connection to the Old Testament in this case. There's somewhat a feminist interpretation with his son Ares, somewhat being Lucifer. That's a lot of references to fire especially the end scene. Ares was envious according to the narrative. It seems like a Cain and Abella story with Diana and the Amazons fighting with Ares. There's also a bit of a story of Adam and Eve with how the Amazons were created to make men love, although I'm sure the LGBT crowd would disagree. I also find it odd and rather boring that the Amazons on the Themiscyra don't pursue homosexual relationships. I'll get into how they could've avoided that scenario, but how they wrote Diana was really odd and hurt the Amazons and her character in my opinion.
Zeus killing gods, is much like the old Testament god.
The film takes a bit of a darker and somewhat propagandaish tone having an appeal to the US militaristic right wing oddly enough: go figure since it's a film or title you would consider those associated with antifeminism wouldn't enjoy.
The Amazons are isolationists like the US, fearing invasion. However, in contrast to the US, they don't expand to prevent their home world from being destroyed.
The Amazons are also militaristic. All they do is train. If you don't necessarily find that as propagandish, at least find it at least a bit boring. They're not in as much of the film as they could've been. Gal Gadot at least can use it for laughs in comparison to Bryce Dallas Howard's corporate character who is equally as boring yet different in Jurassic World.
As much as the female Dr. Poison is, at least she's yknow a scientist and although it's hinted that Ares gave her the idea to create the weapon, at least I'd assume she went to a university to gain her abilities.
Like in Thor, Diana makes a lot of mistakes, a smart person wouldn't make and gets treated as a hero. Although, at least she did get that fight in where she goes through the trenches.
That brings me to Red Letter Media's statement on how Wonder Woman shouldn't be considered a role model.
Prior to that, I had watched the Mummy review and stated that they had no done much research or possibly had misinterpreted the data as to whether execs ahd marketed to China or not.
In their Wonder Woman video, they had said that Wonder Woman shouldn't be considered a role model, actual posted a clip of Warner Bros, or some news junket where Wonder Woman went around and was marketed as a role model. They also listed several jobs where women could be considered role models, including Wonder Women director Patty Jenkins' job.
In contrast to their Mummy review, I had agreed this time:
Diana is not a good role model: she isn't smart, she isn't street smart, she reads a couple of Greek books, but otherwise only shows training in phys. ed, is sexist and grown up by other women to be sexist,
Now, she may worry about the lives of 20 million lives, but almost failed to do so by basically womansplaining. I'm not saying that Steve Trevor was right because he was a man. His plan has to do with a weapon that can be shipped all over the world seems more aware, logical, and present than Diana's plan is just to assassinate someone in the belief that that will stop a God of War she has never seen. Even the Amazons haven't seen . (Even if Antiope and Hippolyta did argue prior on th existence of the God of War.) And then after she kills her first and only man for the first time ever and it doesn't stop the war or mustard gas from being dispensed she blames Trevor even though he was the one that was right the whole time; he was also the one who gave her the idea that men may choose to be flawed.

​ My Dad's review of Wonder Woman (2017)

He felt he was being hyped by the brand. He said he was able to understand 50 percent of the film after an afternoon to night nap.
He thought the beginning fight scene was like a circus meaning it was full of action and acrobatics.
Beautiful movie.
Like 007.
He didn't understand how Ares was beaten or what he was and was wondering if it was part of a Hollywood trend for Greek Gods. I guess they did have Clash of the Titans 7 years ago. 300 the year before that, etc..

Sunday, March 5, 2017

House of M (2005) Issue 2

Scott and Emma are together hearing about Mary Jane on the radio.

Wonder Man is on talk shows.

Miss Marvel stops a crime done by Gambit.

Kitty is teaching about mutants.

Luke Cage. Dr. Strange

McCoy talks about Stark.

Storm exists.

Logan and Mystique dressed up as Jean Grey.

Logan and the House of Magnus are the final note as Logan is flying in the sky.

Overall, it's a good follow up to the previous issue. The two issues are so different from each other in a New Hope-Empire Strikes Back fashion. It sorta has a Batman: Animated Series dream world, It's a Wonderful Life fashion. It adds a bit of a curiosity as to what's going on which is the intent of the issue.

I felt like they could've done something more Alan Moore/Frank Miller-ish with the Mystique cosplaying thing.

Disney's Star Wars: Lando Issue 1 review

Really good.
Lando is a sexy scoundrel. Has sex with a woman, talks out of his way of getting assassinated by her.

He discusses with his number 1 on plotting to defeat the Emperor and whether they'd succeed.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Batman/TMNT 2016 review

Issue 1 Batman encounters the Turtles
Issue 2 Shredder
Issue 3 Penguin
Issue 4 Casey Jones, Joker
Issue 5 Damien Wayne, more Joker
Issue 6 Ra's al Ghul and mutant Bat Rogues such as Polar Bear Freeze and animal Joker.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

The positives of Captain America: CIvil War, January 2017

I enjoyed the intro. The whole spy thing worked in the beginning, prior to them all lining up, which works visually but didn't quite hit the spy motif.
I still don't know why Scarlet Witch has an American accent, other than just to make Elizabeth Olsen's acting better.
Lizzie and Scarlet duping Vision prior to Hawkeye betraying was nonsense. No one's side makes any sense, and the more complicated they made it the more obvious they really didn't want to go into the interesting stuff of what made someone evil, like Bucky, Zemo, Black Panther, etc..
Spider-Man was introduced well, but his portion of the story has nothing to do with the Civil War aspect. Nothing does. Then again, Stanley Kubrick introduced portions of film that weren't connected. Same with Steven Spielberg with Indiana Jones.