Friday, May 16, 2014

Spider-Man: The Animated Series: The Alien Costume Part 1, "Sons and Socippathy"

The Alien Costume begins with a twist: despite being a yellow journalist that does not care about people trying to save the city, much like many of those in editorial power, he does in fact care for his son and has in fact raised him quite well to the point of being a well respected astronaut on Earth. This parallels to the fact that the Kingpin, who is featured in the episode has a son of his own he cares for. This adds to the fact that he felt bad when his wife was killed, making him empathetic. Jameson has overgeneralized superheroes in this series, and misinterpreted something drastic as it was a key element to his life. Photos can lie as can be seen from Eddie Brock's pictures of Spider-Man and the shuttle and from what smart fans may interpret as idiocy, of Spider-Man ruining his life. However, there is no doubt that there are people who incorrectly interpret things and blame to the incorrect people, much like that of DareDevil's opponents in a court room!
Contrast that to Peter Parker, who is revealed in this episode to have a side that is selfish, egotistical, tempted by what is remember not a parasite, but a symbiote. "With great power comes great responsibility." Maybe Peter Parker would act like Rhino some day being a thug with his super strength after he can't find a job with Jameson or with Doc Conners.
Those suffering from a similar mental illness can empathize with Peter Parker, unable to determine if his thoughts are actually his or not. Like Parker, it can happen suddenly, for seemingly no reason after just waking up.
An interpretation of Parker's dream is that he has all of a sudden encountered something that has made his life even worse, the nightmare known as mental illness, stress or other deterrents to a healthy lifestyle.
From a person reading a paper, to the man struggling to get by, to the man who has made others suffer to survive and succeed, maybe inside all of us is a sociopath? Isn't that something to think about?

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