Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Amazing Spider-Man: cultural "stereotypes," 2012 disappointments and relief

The crew make stereotypes out of city minorities just like Agents of SHIELD did in their first episode in the train terminal in a film that's supposedly about a teen that wants to stop city crime with a reason that was probably cut out of the film! Flash Thompson is a suburban bully, not a city one. Doing that stuff always leads to worst movie ever territory.
If you like the ideas, that's fine. That's what made Batman Returns one of my favorite superhero, if not films when I was younger too, before I noticed loose parts of its screenplay.

I don't remember the first film:
The one played by William H. Macy?!
Captain Stacy?!
Norman Osborn?
Crane Dad?
They were in the last film?!
I really don't remember a ton of that film, so it just shows you that I just wasn't a fan, or I was possibly subliminally trying to forget stuff from that film.

The Amazing Spider-Man, Avengers and the Dark Knight Rises were 3 of the most disappointing things to ever happen to the genre in a film year, (2012) since the Godfather Part III. Although unlike many, I understood the dark themes that were in the Dark Knight Rises, it just showed that directors were losing powers making these films, and that they were pet projects of project managers and producers, not auteurs.
The last two years I was getting into Rob Ager, Darren Foley, Kamen Rider and the works of Shotaro Ishinomori, I was reliving my anime stage now that services such as Hulu, Netflix and Crunchyroll distributed works a lot better than the fuzzy 56k, non-LCD, bootleg VCD/VHS copies I was getting from Chinatown to watch anime that dominated the mainstream, opposed to the more leet, more kliq, fandom that I've found searching on Facebook fan groups to find my true peers.
I finally have cable after living off the internet the past few years

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