Monday, November 30, 2015

Supergirl, "Red Faced" analysis

This episode had a lot of storylines. I liked the positives. It would've been better with a Christopher Nolan edit, opposed to the soap opera style to really make the show more interestingly shot like Cloud Atlas or something.
Family is a theme of the episode: Supergirl being taken away from her home, and being mad about it.
Clarissa Flockheart's mother, Alex's father, General Lane.

Something that should've been a theme is American nationalism. Police brutality and insurgents are mentioned, but what the fuck does that have to do with this show? Are there protests or anything to do with the Middle East in this show? They could've actually done the current events theme well, and is a major hiccup imo. Not really insulted or annoyed. I applaud them for the effort even, albeit it's sorta not really universe building and reminds us we're watching a show that references stuff in our shitty lives opposed to their show.

Red Tornado was really well designed. I imagine fans angry that he's a bad guy, but whatever. For a TV show, albeit 2010s, he looked like he could've been put in a film. 
Red Tornado turns evil after Supergirl going too strong defeating Red Tornado.

TV Tropes:
Military guy yells at him trope, because yelling does stuff and makes you look important? Evil? Angry? Ok.
"I won't let you hurt them," anime hero trope for Supergirl heroine.

Supergirl has a speech about hoping to have a friend knowing everything about her. I never felt normal, feeling powers make sense. No showing. All telling. Normal life leaving the ship.
Mad. Doesn't look mad. Wasted segment. This could've tied into the American jingoism militaristic theme too with voyeurism, etc.. Nope.

Kitty tells off her mom. Not for her unpaid intern.
Lane's mother killed by Hank Henshaw. Henshaw's eyes glow red.
Weird ending, but again, I liked the positives in the show:
  • Red Tornado being introduced.
  • Red Tornado's design.
  • The fact that it looked like they tried to write a script.
  • Energy.
  • Action scenes.
  • Special effects.
  • Costumes.
  • I mean it looked a production.

The themes were poorly handled, but it's in good taste if you like em. The family theme was only slightly below expectations and everyone tried their best. Again, energy and trying always helps in a show.
And this show is more soap opera is sci fi. Albeit, most sci fi has nothing to do with science, but still.. Add a technical term or space majig or something in the show. People complain about Smallville, but at least they were smart enough to throw out meteorite, metahuman, etc.. terms.

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