So I watched Suicide Squad. Should've been like a Reservoir Dogs meets Battle Royale with DC characters. But because of the edit a classic was ruined. So it's hard to grade other than that it can't be five stars.
This was sort of a weird movie with a reaction that was about as weird to me as people were to Batman vs Superman. In Batman vs Superman, a lot of people cited petty reasons to dislike the film like useless cameos, or some bs, whereas the real problem was that Batman's supposed to be an anti-Batman savior, but ends up killing more people than Superman does. In Suicide Squad, some people love the movie, some people hate the movie, and I again disagree with both sides, as I don't believe either side to be right. People complain of a lame villain, like Will Smith playing the protagonist, not having enough Joker, etc.. Meanwhile, I do agree however with one topic.
It could've been more consistent with the post-production works, rivaling that of Scott Pilgrim, but maybe it would've distracted like 60s Batman. Also, the awesome sets in themselves tell a good story too.
I mean it's sorta not even a movie technically, considering how much the original work got chopped up.
The soundtrack is great, although I don't know why they used that Eminem track.
Everyone keeps saying Deadshot's the main character, but I sorta hated his storyline so much that it didn't matter. The film was sorta weird. No real main character. So ensemble-y that there didn't seem to be a protagonist. Will Smith probably agreed to do the film if he was the lead, which is weird, since this seems to be a film that at least SHOULD'VE BEEN too violent for his tastes (NOT TRUE cuz of I am Legend,) but they fucked up censoring it later anyway. My colleagues try and write excuses for his daughter wanting to save Batman over him, but I just thought it was poor probably post-edit writing in a film, where Harley Quinn is used for torture porn. Deadpool doesn't want to shoot the good guy? The good guy just used his daughter against him, possibly in a plot with Amanda Waller according to my colleagues.
Amanda Waller I felt was fairly good. She was always a character of right wing ignorance and played that way here. A bit of humor with her logic actually helped her character than most critics gave: people- politicians, people of power have these logic holes all the time in real life and really made her character more realistic, which is sorta regretable, since she softens up by the end of the film for no reason.
Harley Quinn herself was a bit debatable. She doesn't have much of an arc although her coping of people outside of the Joker was a bit of something.
Also, they sorta implied that she was a metahuman WAAY after she was introduced making the story very confusing. (Her flashback includes a scene where she goes into ACME chemicals.)
A lot of Quinn's humor isn't really humor. It's like Adam Sandler, Marlon Wayans, Disaster movie "jokes," that aren't witty, are out of place and in this case, sorta actually very mentally ill and disturbin that belong on Pink Ranger stories with Tortura.
I hear a lot of complaints about The Joker not being in the movie, but I swear he was in the film at least five times. That being said, he's horribly written. Part of the problem may be has no antagonist to fight. Part of the problem is that since they didn't go NC-17 with the film they had to edit out his scene where he displays his character torturing Harley Quinn, which would've explained some of what did his character tick. But whatever, censor that, but not him saying he wants to torture her, or that he wants to, my main concern for the film.
The Joker's men have some sort of furry hat fetish or pretend they're Batman.
El Diablo had a good arc of wanting to be in control of his powers, although there may be a ripoff of Mystique's "then don't" (control.)
His henshin was a good surprise and added excitement to the film. His effects were really well done.
I liked Katana where she was just a loyal henchmen of Waller and Flagg, but when they give her this storyline about having a dead husband in her blade, it really bogged down her character, since it didn't really have anything to do with the film, albeit like Enchantress and Harley, this could've been incorporated into a stronger theme. Her whole thing was that she was a cold blooded person of the military with some sort of mystical origin compared to that of Flagg's.
Also, she takes off her mask too?! She's not Will Smith. She ain't no 5 star celebrity. No one needs to see her face.
The Enchantress was a lot better than most people said:
Also I didn't quite get why everyone didn't like the Enchantress as the villain:
Human: she's a love interest for Rick Flagg. They could've done a parallel with Harley and her but whatever. I'm not rating it 5/5 anyway.
Witch: her whole thing is about taking over with her species. The culture involved is way more interesting than lame Nazi ripoff HYDRA who rarely have origin. (Although other segments of this film have this problem too as the DCEU has problems with keeping within their universe or convincingly using real life references such as Phil Jackson, Iran and terrorism.) Her antimachine thing is lame too, but they told the story about Enchantresses species in two seconds that Marvel hasn't done with HYDRA in like 4 movies
The use of Batman was really good, capturing the Suicide Squad. Not so much for the Flash, but he changed it up a bit at least. Confusing for Batman though, was that they have that whole cameo in the end, which confuses if the Justice League are good guys or not, helping out Waller.
Surprised no Batman with Croc, albeit I don't know what he would do about Croc, albeit Batsy beat up metahuman Harley.
Killer Croc didn't have much of a character other than being a comedic badass mutant, but who cares? He's a supporting character. No need to give him anymore than that. Short and sweet.
Captain Boomerang was basically a Nagi, a joke of a character where his only trait is how useless he was. It's a funny joke though. He barely even uses his Boomerangs in the film.
As I'm done with the characters, I'd like to discuss the plot. It isn't really a plot, more of a mission to save the world.