Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Novel of 2015

Erica Jong's Fear of Dying
I was surprised that I didn't find out about this sequel. Different character, but updated for an internet age. Really honest, sexy, disgusting and everything.
Creative use of the original's title.
Hasn't lost a beat writing in over 42 years.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christopher Nolan and the Al Ghul philosophy

Ra's Al Ghul vs society, aristocracy, corruption
Joker against the corrupt such as that of a stronger police force, voting, politics, and money. Bruce is a man who makes money, and idealistic teaching of no killing to save lives. They are at odds.
Bane follows Al Ghul. 
Bane is a man of family, like Bruce.
Talia's father was killed by Bruce.
Batman beats the League of Shadows for the fight for legacy.
Is there a successor to the Al Ghuls like Waynes?

Christopher Nolan philosophy explored through the Dark Knight trilogy: Greed

Batman Begins is a Blade Runnerish film as the audience sees the protagonist reject his wealth and family in order to become a criminal and terrorist fighting police corruption.
He nearly becomes a vigilante prior to a mob boss killing his parents' murderer.
It's probably also a commentary on violent films.
Bruce lives a world of wealth in a house.

In the Dark Knight, wealth becomes an issue as well, as the city has become filled with the rich and no more poor. What of Al Ghul's men though?
The Joker is the one man who can take them down as they play politics with Senators and District Attorneys. Harvey uses his coin, a piece of money to decide things.
The Joker burns money. He has no wants.

In the Dark Knight Rises, the stock market plays a key role. In addition, the League of Shadows reappears taking away all of Bruce's power.

Fox's Magneto analysis

Magneto is a perfect example of how an antivillain should be written. He kills people,  some innocent, some not even the people he hates, is a dark character, yet he's the good guy. He's a primary antagonist yet protagonist in some films. He is willing do kill those who threaten his kind who do consist of some innocents. Some powerful involved in the US government. He is anti-patriotic; he may even be viewed as that of a terrorist like that of Christopher Nolan's Joker. He captures an innocent teen X-Men who has potential as a protective soldier in Rogue, nearly killing her when she was defenseless. He uses Jean Grey, his best friend's protege against the X-Men and nearly kills everyone with a force and character so mentally unstable. He also nearly destroys the world with the upcoming of the Sentinels program vs not only mutant kind but humanity too.
He has the background of a Polish Jew with parents killed by the Nazis, opposed to those of the idealistic straight laced Superman-inspired American and blonde haired Captain America. He was a key example of a Bronze Age of comics writing, promoting diversity, and darker more realistic and empathetic storylines and villains compared to the absolute of those like the Red Skull and Baron Zemo.

Loki has plotholes. There's no logic as to how his powers are written nor is it credible that people in the same universe understand his powers. Dumb Thor who can fly doesn't save Loki who can fly falling from a bridge at the end of Thor, and Loki's anyway.
They spend time on a plot twist involving him being a frost giant baby that doesn't explain how he has Asgardian appearance or power.

That's not to say Magneto didn't have plotholes. He had a huge one in one of his most famous movies, X-Men: Days of Future Past, blaming Nazis and humans for the death of his parents, when it was Sebastian Shaw,  mutant who was responsible. But you can clearly tell his pain and other strengths of his story compared with Loki.

Why Christopher Nolan should do a film on the Sinestro Corps

Christopher Nolan's Batman Begins was a revolutionary film. A darker, yet still not too indie take on the superhero genre, with one of the best scripts in recent times. Fear was a main theme of the film, something that despite being created alongside the Sinestro Corps was lost in comic book storytelling.
Although, comics and film are different medium, art and expression are great. It could be really good.
For those unfamiliar with Geoff Johns' Sinestro Corps, it is a segment of the color spectrum rings that are not Green during a Green Lantern Guardian prophecy revelation. The Green ring is powered through willpower. The Yellow through Fear. Get where I'm coming at?
It could be a sequel to the Richard Donner inspired Green Lantern film that I mentioned prior.
A big concern many may have is his indie downgraded take on Batman. He could do tech, like when he scripted Man of Steel, when he was still Executive Producer of that project. He could do an interpretation on a more invincible, non-human superhero type with different themes, character and writing.

Why Richard Donner should do a Green Lantern film

Richard Donner's Superman was a classic. A year after Star Wars. The flying effects. Jor-el teaching Clark Kent with a 2001 Star Gate-ish sequence.  the great sets of Krypton. He can really make a film seem really cool and visual.

Hire a Mario Puzo inspired screenplay writer, to give a really long Farewell, My Concubine-ish plot.
Use really good space effects once Hal Jordan goes from kid to military man to pilot to space man.

I think it'd be really cool if a Green Lantern Ring had a Kryptonian look mixed with Superman-Green Lantern spandex.

Monday, December 14, 2015

Ideal directors for the Daredevil Netflix series

  1. Martin Scorsese
  2. Quentin Tarantino
  3. Alfred Hitchcock
  4. Michael Mann
  5. Brian De Palma, The Untouchables, and more importantly Scarface. Then again, that'd probably be better as a Kingpin film.
  6. Guy Ritchie
  7. Takeshi Miike
  8. Takeshi Kitano
  9. Warren Beatty, Dick Tracy director, Bonnie and Clyde
  10. John Woo
  11. Johnnie To
  12. Wong Kar-wai
  13. The Coen Brothers
  14. Michael Cimino
  15. Francis Ford Coppola
  16. David Cronenberg
  17. Kathyrn Bigelow
  18. David Lynch
  19. Christopher Nolan
  20. Stanley Kubrick would do as well, but he really didn't do crime films. Also he's not alive.

Friday, December 11, 2015

iZombie, "Capt Town" is a superhero geek's dream

I heard good stuff prior without actually watching it, probably because of the busy sports TV schedule I watch with my family on Tuesdays.
Rose McIver, Power Rangers RPM Yellow, plays a protagonist, who's a police officer surgeon 
Her boyfriend is cheating on her.
Not like being a zombie would be a factor. 

She's not as funny as Ziggy, which would've factored into the episode.
However, her dry Amy Adams approach sorta works thanks to how she's directed. Nothing bothers her.

It has a Kick-Ass premise with the zombie of the week being a real life crime fighter, The Fog! Neither John Carpenter's no Maurice LeMarche's.
And RPM Yellow doesn't want to be a superhero. Oh, irony!

Ocean's 11 bumbling dude, CPA, is revealed to be a gun seller.
Synthetic brains, vs real, criminal.

Zombie and human can't be in a relationship. Zombie racism at its finest.
Yes, that is as ridiculous as it sounds. And it's fucking awesome.

Which brain is which? 

Zombie vs another.

Own kind racism.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Flash CW TV, "Running to Stand Still" random thoughts

I enjoy how every episode has a Geoff Johns crossover feel with a large Rogue Gallery after the superhero, and I'm not even a Johns fan.

The Mortal Kombat legacy director directed this episode. Like the Supergirl episode, he directed there were plotholes. I don't think it's his fault though as Mortal Kombat Legacy and DC network television shows have different schedules.
Magnetism, and a lot of Fantastic Four (2015) pseudoscience bullshit could plant a bomb in every house. Somehow the Trickster can plant a cut scene where Boba Fett and Han Solo get fucked in the ass by Jabba the Hutt under every person's Christmas tree.
Captain Cold good guy one episode, bad another? Ok.

Wells 2 getting labeled and associated as Wells 1 is a form of interdimensional racism.
Wells having a moment with his daughter. Pretty cool.
Barry tries to give Wells his Christmas moment with the crew which was pretty cool.

Hamill showing up before Star Wars cashing in?

Star Wars trilogy book

Boring. Doesn't capture drama, or the sets or anything as good as the actual films.

Pacific Rim: Tales from Year Zero

New Characters, situations, not much action, bleh animation, no humor.
Mixed bag. If you enjoy it, enjoy it. Demo it first.

Jandy Nelson's I'll Give You The Sun review

Really boring book. As boring as reading this review.

Paula Hawkins' The Girl on The Train review

For a title that seems to be copying that of the Girl With the Dragon Tattoo franchise, this books is very lame. Not a good story. Has boring dialogue. Not really immersive or entertaining at all.

My first reaction to Alan Moore's Promethea

I thought the art was great as everyone else did.
I didn't really think it added to Alan Moore's legacy though, not being inspired by actual superheroes. Didn't really get into the philosophies at the first time.
Probably the least controversial of his books though.

Supergirl Vol 1: The Last Daughter of Krypton

Having her land in Siberia, set up a bit of a setting for the comic.
Defeating Reign was a bit monotonous though, even if Reign was quite big in that storyline in the New 52.

Monday, December 7, 2015

Supergirl "Human for a Day" storylines analysis

An alien is unleashed at STAR Labs.

Alex and Hank Henshaw

Hank Henshaw is revealed to be dead and really J'onn Jonnz the Martian Manhunter.

Alex and Lara and Jimmy

Maxwell Lord not being so bad, or perhap sis just tricky.

Kat being a hero

The ending